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Monday, November 07, 2005

The Cabbage Theory: Glossary


Cabbage – vegetable from the family of the vegetables, normally with a green colour and various textures

Cabbagocracy – totalitarian, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, anti-comunist and anti-humanoide regime based on a world-wide oligarchy protagonised by the cabbages

Taken of the World – it’s in fact the taken of the world because it happens when the world is taken...I don’t know if I’m making myself clear...

Cabbagologist – PHD in cabbages; person who studies their current situation and movimentations

The Cabbage Theory – factual and empiric truths about the cabbages

Cabbage Hegemony – past period of our civilization during which the cabbages had great power over our stomachs

Export – contains the notion of movement: take from here and put there according to payment in money or others

Neo-genectic – watch Spider-Man’s cartoons

DGPC – Direcção Geral de Protecção das Culturas; very active portuguese association for the protection of the cabbages

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter Six

Chapter six
Reflect to act

Summarising: who are our biggest enemies?


What can we do to help the humanity in this fight against them?
- reflect about the subject so that we can act conscientiously
- open eye with your pets or for the more strict expel them from the house (that’s what I did it’s not worth taking any chances)
- keep away as much as you can from the road constructions and when it’s not possible to avoid them just pass at least at 120 km/h
- watch attentively the soap operas searching for more subliminar messages
- establish contact with the lettuces so that we can find out what side they are taking
- take any and all powers away from Morais Sarmento
- fight for the destruction of DGPC
- eat all the cabbages you can find till their extinction
- infest the cabbage cultures with bugs and diseases which can cause the mass destruction of the vegetables
- at last, warn everyone you can: relatives, friends and even strangers; no one is safe... Don’t believe in myths like “The cabbage is very good to fight liver illness”; don’t fall in the temptation of joining websites that are a shame for the human spirit like “The Cabbage’s Jonh Doe’s website” (“site do Zé das Couves”) which holds up the sentence: “against the cabbage and other tasty vegetables’ banalization”. Don’t let yourselves be dominated. Let’s stay alert to the defense of our planet and maybe, just maybe, we will have a smiling future.

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter five

Chapter five
Morais Sarmento, the pawn

This chapter may seem extremely short.
Obviously the cabbages would need some element of power to help to hide their movimentations. Why Morais Sarmento? I will not bother the fellow reader with boring explanations on portuguese politics and besides no one knows why him... But it is impossible to trick us! It is enough to watch this man’s attitudes to understand that he can only be with the cabbages for the world’s destruction. The foreign reader who even thinks that Portugal is a part of Spain or a contry in Latin America will have to take my word for it.

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter Four

Chapter four
The intriguing question

One day I was going to school walking through a neighbourhood with little stores that have tables with fruits and vegetables in the sidewalk so that they can catch that nice flavour from the petrol fumes the cars expel. It was 8 a.m. and infortunatly rush hour: 13 old ladies per m² with their room slippers, aprons and shopping bags buying everything that crosses their almost non-existent visual fiel. Usually I take a look at the inside of the shops and at the people but that day I was specially distracted directing my eyes towards the sky which is an interesting exercise.
After a while I heard a “ploc”... I stoped immediatly. Looked at the ground and saw...a lettuce! A lettuce? A lettuce. I searched around but in spite of the rush hour like if it was a miracle there was nobody at least in a radius of 5 metres. How could that lettuce have fallen from the table? It could only be a sign from the lettuces all over the world. The question was imminent: was it a sign of support or a warning? Were they expressing themselves in my favour or against me in the fight with the cabbages? My first impulse was to think that it was an attempt to intimidate me so that I would stop alerting the population about the vegetables of darkness. The falling lettuce almost touched my body; it nearly hit me what could have caused permanent physical and psychological damages. Even so I thought twice. What if it was a demonstration of affection for the humanity? What if it was one “We are with you! Hang on! You can do it!”? One has to take in consideration that despite the blood relations between these two families of vegetables, despite the brotherhood, despite their common origin; there is a well-known hostility that since ancient times ruled their connection. What is left to understand is if based on this ravine that always existed the lettuces joined us and intend to fight till the last leaf or if by the contrary the cabbages managed to get them through lies and traps preventing them from using their free-will and sentencing them to an eternity as zombies and slaves of the evil beings. No! Only if we can’t stop them!

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter Three

Chapter three
The allies

When I discovered all this I was obviously amazed and scared. Even so I never gave up and I started to spy the movimentations of these demoniac creatures. That was how I found out that the cabbage tactic for the “taken of the world” (as it is known between the cabbagologists – basically me) is to get hold of small sectors of our society and of some professionals of influence through whom they will burry deep in our minds the ideals of the cabbagocracy building a pro-cabbage block that would support them by the time of the final intervention.
The first sector to be taken was the animal sector but not all the wild life only the cats (sure you had already notice something strange about their behaviour) and the dogs (who tricked everyone). This connection was discovered after careful investigations: in some nights I used to go by car to drink a cappuchino when one time I was prevented from doing that by a group of cats and dogs that were surronding my car. This phenomenon happened a few times and I felt it was my duty to look for an explanation so I started to go to that place checking them out. I realised that they were getting together for reunions pro-cabbage and at the same time they were keeping me from getting out of the car and going on with my life. But the dear reader may ask why do those little animals want me not to drink cappuchinos. And I will answer that is the cabbages’ will. The cabbages were trying to prevent me from being awake and alert through cafein so that I wouldn’t be able to do my work of revealing them to the world. But it is useless because now I know everything. If they can get together “men’s best friend” and the CAT enemies since forever under the common gol of cabbagocracy imagine how big is their power...
The second group was the men in the constructions. Not any construction. The road construction. Not any roads. The public roads. In your innocence you probably think that those triangular signs saying “road in construction” and “danger” are there by chance? Of course not. During the day they signalise what they signalise but at night when nobody is working anymore they are still there... Why? Because the signs are phosphorescent clues providing the location of the places more easy to take over. The construction men hide in the holes made by themselves under excuses like sewage, natural gas and cable tv (who do they think they fool?) waiting for cabbage contact to get new orders and hear next strategies.
Imagine this scenario: it’s 22 hours and 17 minutes. I am sitting in the living room minding my own business and waiting for “The Lady of Destiny” to start. Around 22h22m it begins and I should be suspicious of that coincidence because everyone knows that it usually starts at most at 22h23m... First it looked like a regular episode and I was even having good clean fun with Mrs. Do Carmo’s crazyness and with the goofy Mr. Giovanni. Exactly this last character interpreted by the famous José Wilker caught my attention to certain things. At the 35th minute of programme (excluding commercial breaks) Giovanni says: “I would like to know where are my little cabbages...” Ah! The one that doesn’t see is the blind! Or worst the one who doesn’t want to see... I immediatly understood that all sector of brazilian soap operas was being controlled by the cabbages and this friendly reference to them has sweet and loyal vegetables was nothing but part of a plan based on the use of subliminar messages to convince the population that they represent no threat and are even “good people”. As if something like that would be possible... Attention! It is necessary to understand the dimensions of this industry which exports soap operas to the four corners of the world what regarding this episode may have disastrous consequencies (they are ruling our minds!) if we can’t fight against this super-intelligent evil beings.
To conclude I will just say one word or two about the syringemen. They have this unpleasant name because they are the ones who sell themselves to the cabbages. They are people of flesh and bone like the human beings however (concentration now) they constitute an army of mercenaries. It is well-known that the mutant cabbages because they are mutant have many abilities, abnormal to the common cabbage-individual. If this was not the case it would be unreasonable to come here yelling insanities like “The cabbages want to conquer our planet!” or something like that. The reality is that through an accidental neo-genectic transformation or through a pact with the devil (no one knows for sure) they are now mutants. Even though it doesn’t mean that we are doomed because there is still a little shred of hope based on some tiny flaws that these vegetables kept like not being able to go out during the day. While the ancient cabbages loved the sun the mutant cabbages love it also. The difference is that they are physically kept from showing their power while the sun shines being forced to act as regular cabbages. Just during the night can they reveal their truly diabolic nature. This is one of the main causes that lead the public to ignore the subject: people just don’t realise. This almost vampiric handicap made the cabbage hire humans to kill for money (blame the economic crisis) whoever is necessary mostly important and strategic-positioned characters or do you really think that the death of sister Lúcia was a simple coincidence, natural causes or because she was very very old? By murdering the little shepard they managed to desorientate the whole world making it’s apropriation easier. And if you are a skeptical what do you say about the Pope? That nice white-dressed man. Nobody is safe... The mercenaries act in the following way: they walk around public and private locations like if they didn’t have a care in the world stocking the victim without his or her knowledge. Then they pass by quiet as mice and launch their deadly weapon to the target’s leggs. What weapon is that? A single a syringe containing the most powerful and dangerous serum the world has ever seen made by the cabbages. It’s a greenish liquid (what colour should it be?) which has to be injected in the leggs and once the needle penetrates the flesh the letal poison flows to the veins making them explode and provoking immediate death. I was already confronted with one of these syringemen in my school. Luckily the traitor missed the target and we could breathe of relieve... but for how long?

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter Two

Chapter two
The theory

The cabbages have always been a very important aliment (aliment? Pffff....), “aliment” all over the world and mostly in the portuguese cookings. Who never heard thoose memmories of old people: “In my time we didn’t eat meat just in the afternoon of St. Never’s day. And fish was like a sardine for three people once in a while...It was more cabbages and potatos everyday.” Cabbages and potatos, my friend reader, cabbages and potatos. It was the time of the cabbage hegemony. They where in every cultivation field, in every home, in every plate. They were at the table with our families, with our children and we didn’t have any notion of what would come from there. It was this way for large centuries during which the cabbages dominated in silence all the other aliments and the human’ lives. They spred magic: they were princess.
In a short time with the development of some countries mostly USA people stopped having time to do all sort of things being one of the cooking. Big chains of fast-food emmerged. As we know, fast-food is rich in lots of things but cabbages are not its speciality... When we go to certain “restorants” that sell for example hamburgers we don’t ask “I would like to have the McCabbagex, large fries and that cabbage sauce that is wonderfull for the digestive system.” At least I don’t have this custom but I don’t blame who does. However let’s assume that the majority of the world’s population (like 99,999999...%) doesn’t say that sentence unless they are reading this treaty out-loud so that they can hear their own voice.
This way that “green food which name we shouldn’t pronounce” (they might hear...) thought: “Hey bobby, we are here and no one cares about us anymore”. If this can even make a person go mad what can we say about an entire population of cabbages already predisposed to fool around... The next step was a general reunion where the cabbages decided to get back their position in the food chain at any cost. After some brutal assassinations every cabbage bent down before cabbagocracy which objective is to dominate the world by attacking quietly the human race untill they get enough power to strike at us.

The Cabbage Theory: Chapter One

Chapter one
The big discovery

The cabbage theory emmerged when me and three friends went to a publicity festival in Figueira da Foz (Portugal) and when it was time to come back home we got lost... It may seem ridiculous but the driver of the jeep (capitalists!!!) was Filipe, a guy who thinks he has a sixth sense and even compasses inserted automatically in the back of the head what could really be truth but is not. The reality is that he thought we where going north (when we were in fact going south) because he insisted on the fact that he could feel the “sun behind the head”. (did I mentioned this happened during the night?)...
At a certain time his more-than-anything-in-the-whole-world, Ana, has an enlightened idea: get a detailed map of Portugal that they had all this time in the glove compartment. Ana tried to get us back in the right way but Filipe didn’t give up and since he was driving there we went trough creepy roads without seeing houses, people, cars,... but organized like the Hitlerian army, greeny like only they can be, rows of cabbages! In the shadows of the fields that surrounded the road were thousands and thousands of this vegetables from hell, scaring isolated travelleres that went through there. Surronded by cabbages we discovered the truth.
We ran away as fast as possible fearing for our lives and when we finally got home we talked about a very simple form of the cabbage theory that was going to be closely studied by me.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Cabbage Theory

As many of you may have noticed in this blog there is a link to a website in portuguese. The subject explored there is the cabbage theory.
I am currently translating it and will post it as soon as possible.
However! It is extremely important than you understand the danger that this information contains. We cannot choose to read the theory as we decide to eat an ice cream. I don't even know if I would choose to know all this if I hadn't been choosen to tell the world about it. Please think carefully before getting in this journey because it has no way back and the road can be very hard.
The power of the cabbages is huge and even I am not safe: while I was translating it my body was invaded by a strange illness that threw me in bed and prevented me from continuying my work for ten days. Even now I feel weak and always sleepy but I can't quit! When I told my husband the truth about the cabbage he also developed a sickness similar to cancer but with no cure and he is fighting against it since. At last I could translate the theory but I wasn't able to save it because some wind or pharanormal presence sent by the cabbage clicked the no button before I could reach it...
Why do I still fight? It is my duty. But I cannot ask you to became targets of the cabbage and possibly ruin your life. I can only ask ou to make the choice: get to know the harsh truth or live in a happy fairy tale world.


It is not that difficult to kick people's little or big asses in streetfight.
If you have seen the movie with Jean-Claude Van Damme you have learnt some moves that you can put in practise.
Anyway just press your buttons randomly and get out of the way when your opponent is kicking in anger. I garantee full victories against suckers...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Birds flu

There's no such thing as birds flu it is just an invention from greenpeace's members. They want so badly to protect the chickens that they even make up a story like this so that we won't eat them anymore and they will live happily ever after in their little homes and one day (who knows) we will have another pig's triumph.
Of course there's no similarity between the book and real life but chiken are much more smart than pigs and walk allready in two legs. They will become dangerous if the gossip about their disease is believed and we stop eating them once and for all.
Beware people and pray that they won't join the cabagge!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

wellcome/benvindos/hoş geldiniz

wellcome little baby blog which came to live in this radious day.
hopefully you will have many happy moments and interesting things to tell.
wellcome to all of you who enter this blog!
and to those who won't register... fuckers!!!! :PPP